I find it interesting that as I have become more aware of my body, I have become more aware of my tears. It was like a natural evolution as I began to realize the significance of bodily fluids and its relationship to emotions and self-awareness. From the time I was a child, I was subjected to constant reminders that I was a little girl and all that. I was told that my eyes were too large and I wasn’t the prettiest little girl out there.
I would almost certainly never have been able to do this in the first place.
It’s easy to get caught up in this sort of thing. People’s bodies are a very complex thing that just got a little bit less complicated. It’s a bit like the color red. You can think of it as a color that we all share. For most of us, red is associated with sexual arousal and the joy and excitement we feel when we get hard. You’re not really sure what you’re thinking.
The reason youre not really sure is because the reason you’re so sure is because youre not sure. Youre not sure about what it means to be a woman: I know youre not sure about your sex life right now. It would be fine if you didn’t have to answer for that, but we dont.
As much as we think we dont know, we do. We feel all sorts of ways about the female orgasm. This is especially the case when we try to describe the female orgasm to others. We say things like “Its not just a wet spot on the bottom, its the entire sensation of sex. You feel like youre being torn in two and you feel like youve just exploded.” We feel like weve felt that way before.
What we dont feel like is feeling torn in two. We dont feel like we are in two bodies; there are two people in one. When someone says that, we often think they are talking about two separate people, but that isnt the case. They talking about the whole person, like saying, “you feel like youve just exploded.” We feel like we were torn in two in a previous relationship. We feel like weve just exploded.
When you get torn, you may feel like there is more to your relationship with some of the people in between. For example, you might have felt torn in the past, but now you feel like the people who are in your relationship are in your relationship now. You may be torn in two, but still feel like you are torn in two. You feel like youve just exploded.
We feel like we were torn in two, but it’s actually not that simple. We weren’t. We were torn in a previous relationship. But it’s also not that simple. We weren’t torn in a previous relationship, but it’s still not that simple. We weren’t torn in a previous relationship, but it’s still not that simple. We were torn in a previous relationship, but it’s still not that simple.
How we feel about you, we feel like you are all a bunch of jerks. We don’t even know if you can walk in that way. We just want to know how you feel about us and how you feel about the way we are.
But we also love you. We dont want you to end up like us, but we want you to have a nice life. We dont know if we could be like you, but we want you to be happy and we want you to be safe. We dont know if we could be like you, but we want you to be happy and we want you to be safe.