I can’t find where I got “received unknown packet 0x0”, so it must have been a typo.
The title is very clear as far as the author is concerned. We need to go back to the source code, to see what the various sources of the packet are.
A typo. The title is correct.
An interesting case in point is the parse_char function. We have this very common function that parses the output from a TCP connection. It takes a port number, a socket descriptor, and a buffer pointer, and it returns a pointer to the IP header of the given socket. The socket is a file descriptor, so that the header is immediately available to us.
The socket is what we call a “file descriptor.” A file descriptor is a file handle that you can use to retrieve data from another file. The data is immediately available to us.
The “parse_char” function parses the output of a TCP connection. A TCP connection is the part of a connection that is used to send data for reading and writing. A TCP connection can be used to send data to other clients, but it can also be used to transmit data over the network. If you have a file descriptor, as with all file descriptors, you can use it to read data and write to the file descriptor.
This is the first time we’ve seen a game receiving data that we didn’t create ourselves. I’m hoping that doesn’t mean we’re going to be seeing any more of this.
It was only supposed to be a temporary thing for a while, but it does give us something to talk about.
It’s an interesting idea and I think this is the first time we’ve seen more than one of these things happening. Of course, we are also seeing a lot of them in other games as well, so this is quite possibly the first time a game has ever been receiving data on a separate TCP connection that we didnt create.