When we were younger, we didn’t always listen to our parents, noisiest, nor did we listen to our friends. For those of us with no one to listen to, noisiness was a sign that we were doing something wrong. It gave us a feeling of being different or a certain way that was undesirable.
You can certainly see why some of our friends were obsessed with nothing more than having a great time. They got their own party-lovers and their own party-lovers, and we probably would have been a lot happier if we had kept our own in our heads.
We’re talking about things like alcohol, drugs, and music here. It’s the same thing in every culture. It can be a good thing or a bad thing, but it’s never something that’s good for your mind (or your body).
The point I’m trying to make here is that we can’t just “get rid of” everything in our heads because that can be difficult. We can get rid of our bad habits and our bad actions, but we can’t get rid of our bad thoughts; they exist in just as much of our head.
The problem is that self-awareness doesn’t come in any one way, so we can’t just get rid of it all. But we can get rid of just a few bad thoughts.
You’re going to have to be a lot more careful when you get yourself into the habit of thinking things over. Most of the time its not enough to just throw off all your bad habits.
We get it. We know that bad thoughts are bad, but we also know that we cant just go through life thinking them and getting rid of them. We need to train ourselves out of bad habits, the bad thoughts that are there.
I think it’s important to remember that we don’t always think in a “right way.” We can be very quick to anger, and we can be quick to think bad things. It’s just how we react that matters. So take action – before you think something bad, get it out of your head.
The key to self-awareness is to develop your awareness in the present moment. You can learn to train your mind and stop doing things that are problematic, but it doesn’t mean that you’ll be conscious of bad things. There are some good books and articles out there that can help you do that. The first thing you need to know about bad thoughts is that they are not real. They are not going to be there in the future. They are just that. Thoughts.