This image, created by MATLAB, is a basic visualization of the matrices that make up the data of a matrix. The first three elements of the matrix, I’ve named “Y” represent the values, while the last three elements, I’ve named “X,” represent the locations of the corresponding elements of “Y.
Since the number of columns in a square matrix is the same amount of the number of rows, this means that the first three elements of the matrix are the same. This is important information because the number of columns is a very good way to determine how many elements in a row there are.
Ive named the variables the same as matrices because that is how matrices are stored in memory. In Matlab, you can define a variable with the name you want, then assign it to anything (or nothing) that you want, and matrices are stored in memory as variables. This is what Ive used for the 0th column of my matrix.
I would define a variable called 0x0. This works well because it is guaranteed to be the same as 0, 0x0, 0, or 0x0. If you want to set any other value, you can. So if I want to write “A=b”, then I can just write b. I can also write “A=[]”, and the first element of the array will be the same as the first element of the vector.
If you are interested in more advanced features, you can learn more about matrices, vectors, lists, functions, and all the other topics that made the previous video.
matrices are another way of making an array that is “the same as” an array of numbers. For example, I could make a matrix of numbers that is the same as the number 5. This is called a direct sum of numbers, and it’s a very useful shortcut when you’re working with matrices.
If you find you still need something more advanced, matrices can be useful for more advanced mathematics. For example, if you want to find the maximum element of a list, you could use a matrix to store the elements of the list, then you could perform an operation on the maximum element of your list directly.
In the case of a matrix, each element of the matrix is a row of the matrix. If you want to make a 0x0 matrix, simply replace the 0s in the matrix with 0.
The most common way to make a 0x0 matrix is to use the default constructor with a single value, which means that the value in each row is set to 0. For instance, in the following code, all the elements of a 0x0 matrix are set to 0 (not 0x0).