In Spanish the word for “home” is casa, which translates to “house” in English. The Spanish word casa is pronounced “kh” which literally means “house” in English.
In English, the word house can take on a variety of meanings. One of the most common is the one associated with the word “household”, where the word house can mean as a permanent residence. But another meaning is “private home”, which can refer to the home of a single family, or to a home owned by a larger community.
The word house is also sometimes used to refer to the home of a single person, which is the meaning that the word house can have in English.
Khmer is a language used by people to describe their environment. It is the common name for a variety of languages and is used by almost all people. Khmer people are a lot more common than they appear in English, meaning that they don’t speak their language very well. Khmer people are also known for being incredibly quiet, which makes them a very special kind of person.
Khmer people are often used to describe someone who is extremely shy. A Khmer person is often described as someone who is quiet and doesn’t talk very much. They are considered to have an unusually high level of respect and are often used in the past as symbols of nobility and royalty. In recent years Khmer people have become common among immigrant communities, and many of these immigrations have been centered in the states of California, Indiana, and Ohio.
Khmer people are believed to have a very long history that goes back thousands of years. They have been seen in the past in ancient Egyptian temples, statues, and burial grounds. Over the centuries, Khmer people have been very successful in many industries. They have been known for their use of silk and silk goods, including clothing. In China, they have been known for their silk work, and one of Khmer people is considered to be the creator of the ancient Khmer style.
Khmer people are believed to be a very ancient people that has left its mark on the country and its culture. The Khmer people have been very successful in the past in many industries, and have been known for their use of silk and silk goods, including clothing. However, they are still considered to be very primitive. Khmer people have been very successful in the past in many industries, but are still considered to be very primitive.
When the Khmer people got their hands on the silk they were wearing, the Khmer people had a lot of trouble with their clothing. The Khmer people also had a lot of trouble with their clothing.
To try to find a good way to get a good result on this, we need to find a good way to sell it. That’s why we’re still working on creating a better and more effective clothing.