This means that this is the type of exception that causes the container to exit.
It appears that this exception is caused by the docker daemon trying to start a new container. If that’s the case, then it’s a pretty common thing to encounter on Windows machines.
This happens quite a few times in the Windows world. If you have a process running in the background that you don’t want it in, you can often kill it by sending it a kill signal or by attaching a debugger to it. If using a Windows machine, make sure you have control over the process that is attempting to start a new container.
I’m not sure if this happens that often, but I have seen it happen occasionally when using docker to start a new container. The Docker daemon will try to start a new container and get an exception if the process isn’t running. The exception is caused by the docker daemon attempting to start a new container. If that’s the case, then the container is probably dead and you should kill it.
In this case its not the docker daemon that is attempting to start a new container, but rather the docker client itself. I have seen this happen in the past when I have started a new container without any control over the Docker daemon.
The Docker client is built into every container. If it is not running, there are two possible fixes. You can start a new container with the `docker run` command and the daemon will start if the new container has an established connection to the Docker daemon. If you need to start a new container without this connection, you can use the `docker daemon -H` command.
The other possibility is that the docker daemon itself is not running, but the docker client is causing a connection error. If you get this error, you can try running docker ps -a | grep docker. The docker client may still be running and may be attempting to use the same connection but will not start.
If you get a connection error when connecting to the Docker daemon, there’s a chance that the docker daemon itself is not running, and you may need to restart the docker daemon or the docker client.
There are a number of “how to” tutorials for connecting to a running Docker daemon that can be useful, but they don’t cover the specific error you are seeing. If you are using Docker 1.9 however, you can connect to a running Docker daemon using the docker ps command.