In addition to the pointer function, you’ve got to do a lot of C++ pointers. These are basically, you put the pointer on the stack, and you have to call the pointer function first (which is probably not a good thing, since the pointer function is supposed to be called first) and then pass it to the stack.
In addition to the pointer function, you’ve got to do a lot of C pointers. These are basically, you put the pointer on the stack, and you have to call the pointer function first which is probably not a good thing, since the pointer function is supposed to be called first and then pass it to the stack.
But, all is not gloom and doom in c++. In fact, I would argue that there are plenty of things to be positive about c++ in this case. However, there is one thing that is negative in this example. The reason you have to call the pointer function first is because the pointer function is supposed to have a return value, which is the address of the pointer.