This error is likely caused by trying to update the wrong value. Please verify your input with a valid value.
The error is not caused by a change in content, but by the error itself. It is likely because the error is causing the content to be incorrect, and so it is more likely to be caused by a change to the content.
Apple has been working on a fix for this error for a long time. However, it’s not ready for wider use. You can download the fix here.
I’ve been playing around with the fix for a few hours now, and it is basically a simple addition to the code that is being written to allow the game to work with a slightly different version of Apple’s SDK. This will hopefully address the issue for all users, and in the mean time, I figured I’d share the fix.
So apple has been working on an update to their developer program for a few months now, and the update was supposed to be released last week. However, things have been messed up with the release date. The update is now up to version 0.1.1, but it will still be a few weeks before it is officially released. So in the mean time, I figured Id share the apple fix.
This app has been built in two versions, one for iOS 6 and one for iOS 7. It’s been working great. The only thing I really want to change is the color of the window on the left. This is the first time I’ve had the same problem happen in a Windows Phone app.
Apple doesn’t seem to be taking the issue about the color of the window on the left of the keyboard seriously. That’s why I had to go with the “same color as the app” fix. I have to agree with you, its strange.
Apple is aware of this bug, and they fixed it in iOS 7.
Thats an important point. Apple has said they are working on a fix for it, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they did indeed fix it in iOS 7. I don’t think apple is that stupid.
I still think there’s a chance Apple will do something to fix the problem, but I’m not holding my breath.