I think it’s just a matter of time. The weather is about the best thing to do after getting in the sun. I’m really interested in buying a home that is a bit cooler, nicer, and has a bit more energy and a little more warmth.
In Wooster, Ohio, it’s the climate, not the people. It’s the weather, not the people. Wooster is a very small town with great people and a lot of lovely outdoor spaces. The weather is a very important aspect of our home. And I don’t mean it’s just weather. I mean the temperature, the amount of sun, how much wind, the humidity, how much rain, the humidity, the temperature. Its all important.
So lets talk about the weather. I’m sure you have a number of friends or family members who are interested in looking at homes in Wooster and Wooster OH.
There are three main factors that make the weather in Wooster OH and Wooster.
Wooster OH is located in ohio, a state just south of the border. So its actually in another country, but it is located in our home state. Wooster is located in northern Ohio.
The weather in Ohio is pretty darn consistent, but Wooster OH is pretty unique. Wooster is in a valley that sits on top of a hill. So there is a lot of wind, but the valley is deep enough for the wind to dissipate quickly.