I always forget the simple truths of life. Pre-transit means the anticipation of arrival. The fact is that you never know when you will be on the other side of the door.
The way I hear it, pre-transit means you’re thinking about getting on that train and then not getting on the train. The most common reason people don’t board the train is because they think they will be stuck there for the entirety of their journey, so they can’t possibly make it to the station. So now instead of thinking about getting onto the train, they just think about not getting onto the train.
A common way to go about being stuck is to have an old fashioned superstition. For example, “I can’t get on a train without being told to” or “I can’t get on a train that doesn’t have a window or a seat or a bathroom.” These types of superstitions have been around forever, and they are true.
This is a really good time to do some pre transit thinking. When you’re on the train, the sky is bright and you probably don’t have a window. You just feel like you’re getting on the train and you have to think about the train. You have to think about everything you can think of that would help you.
As the movie “The Shining” shows, it’s a sort of movie where you have to think about everything you can think of. You have to think about every damn thing that you can think of, and if you want to spend time thinking about anything you can think of it, you have to think about everything. You have to think about the movie and you have to think about the movie. That is a really great time to do it.
That is pretty much what pre-transit means. It’s basically a lot of thinking about the movie ahead of time. It’s a lot of thinking about the movie without having to think about it or even really see it. That is a really great time to do it.
The way I would describe it is that pre-transit is being able to know what it is you’re in the middle of, what you are looking at, what you are going to see. Seeing the film, or reading it, or watching it, or whatever the case may be. It also means that you are constantly in the middle of something that you’re trying to prepare for and is always in the process of changing. Its a way to prepare for what will come.
So when I say you are in the middle of something, I don’t just mean the moment you are, but also the time. You are always always in the middle of something. You are always in the process of changing.
The only way to prepare for yourself, is to have a quick time-stop, and then wait for the movie to close.
Pre-transit is a slang term for when someone is in the middle of something you’re trying to prepare for. It means your brain is in the middle of figuring out what you’re going to do next.
In this case, the first thing that went through Colt’s head was to figure out what he was going to do next. What he did next was change time and he got on the boat. The second thing that went through his head was to figure out what he was going to do next. What he did next was change time and he got on the plane.