The reason why is because the pdb file that can’t be found is a DLL file. A DLL file is any file that isn’t a DLL file or a COM file. DLL file are normally used as a library or executables (not a set of files) that are used by another program. A COM file is an executable file that is used as a library or an interface.
It’s not just a pdb file. I have a set of DLL files that are used by vs2017 in their installer. The DLLs that are in the pdb file cannot be found in the DLLs that are in the installer.
For now, no one knows what the problem is. It could be that another program is handling the DLL files or that the DLL files are somehow out of sync with vs2017.
Apparently, when vs2017 runs its installer, it looks for the DLL files in the directory of the installer and then it looks for the executable files in the directory that are in the pdb file. It could be that the DLLs are somehow out of sync with the executable files in the pdb file.
It could be that we are dealing with a bug in vs2017 and that the pdb file is corrupted. It could also be that we need to rebuild the DLLs. Or maybe the DLLs are corrupted and we’ve just been unlucky to have found it. In the interest of full disclosure, I am currently trying to fix the DLLs myself. I thought I’d mention this because there is now a forum thread discussing this issue.
I am not sure what the problem is. I suspect the problem could be with the.pdb file, but I am not sure. If you are having trouble with this file, please try using an alternative means to open the program.
The problem might be that the program has been exited and the DLL has been recreated.
We believe that using a different method for opening the.pdb file caused the program to exit and recreate the DLL. This is why we are working on updating the DLLs to make them work using an alternative method. If you are still having problems, please post here and we can try to help you out.
We were not able to open the pdb file the program has exited with code 0 (0x0). The program has exited and the DLL has been recreated. If you are still having problems, please post here and we can try to help you out.