target device id (0x0) does not match expected device id (0x0).
It turns out that Target Device ID (0x11a0) has changed to match the expected Device ID (0x0).
So what does all this mean? Well it means you can’t make decisions based on device id. You can’t pick a device id that’s already in use by another device. So you’re stuck with whatever device id the manufacturer has set as its device id.
To be fair, when it comes to targeting, sometimes the device id that a device actually uses doesn’t match the device id it is supposed to use. If a device uses a device id that is not in use, then that device will fail to function correctly.
The device id that you set as your device id is what is used to target that device. The manufacturer sets its device id based on a device ID that it has been given by the manufacturer. It is not based on any device id that was used in the past.
It turns out that it’s not just about the device id. If you set a device id as your device id and then use it to target another device, then it will fail to function. The device id that you set is the device id that is used by the manufacturer to target the device. If a manufacturer does not set the device id, it will fail to function.
I just looked at the Target Device ID column and it is indeed the same device id as the device id that was previously set. The “expected” device id, however, is a completely different device id that is used by Targeting software. I’ve been trying to figure out why this is the case.
The default Target Device ID is 0x0. If you set it to a device id that you know exists and you know it is on your target device, your target device ID is 0x11a0.
If the target device id is 0x0, then it’s a device id of 0x11b0. If it’s a device id that you’re not aware of, then your target device ID is 0x0b0.
I think the reason for this is because this target device id is used for setting the Targeting software. The Targeting software will automatically assign this ID to the target device. Ive also been trying to figure out why this is the case. I dont think its because of the Target Device ID being 0x0. I think the reason is because Targeting id is 0x0. By default Targeting id is 0x0.