This is one of those images that I have been seeing for a while now. It’s a photo of a woman’s face rendered in white light from the sun. The color is very black and white, making the face look a bit creepy for a woman’s face. When I first saw this image I thought it was a very strange image.
It might be because this photo was taken a few seconds after a massive meteor hit the earth, but it also might be because it was taken while the sun was behind a cloud. That’s a weird thing to do, and you should be careful when you’re taking clouds pictures.
It is a photo of a womans face rendered in white light from the sun. The color is very black and white, making the face look a bit creepy for a womans face.
The meteor that hit the earth is a meteorite. They are pieces of rocks that are left on the earth after a massive explosion. This one was on a golf course in California. It landed on the earth’s surface, and exploded when its particles hit the earth’s surface. It left a crater that is now called the Chicxulub crater. It was thought to be a meteor over a hundred million years ago, but it may be much older.
Now the world is facing a threat bigger than asteroids. It is a threat that has been known for a long time, but even to this day we still don’t know what caused it. Scientists are convinced that it was a meteorite hitting the earths surface that caused a nuclear war. Scientists believe that the first nuclear weapon was detonated over Chicxulub crater. They also believe that these meteorites could be the cause of a major global catastrophe.
Scientists at NASA have stated that the meteor that hit the earths surface is the largest ever recorded, which is why they are certain that it is the cause of the first nuclear weapon being detonated over Chicxulub crater. This meteorite is likely to have been a meteorite that fell from the sky around 4.5 billion years ago. The scientists believe that the meteorite is about a hundred million years old, and would be the largest ever recorded over that time period.
The asteroid that struck our planet isn’t an asteroid at all. It is the Cretaceous-Tertiary meteorite, whose name comes from the Greek word “chthon,” meaning “child.” It is a rocky object of about 100-140 km in diameter. The meteorite was originally thought to be a meteorite that fell from the sky about 70 million years ago.