I would not have been able to finish this article without a huge thanks to my friend and colleague, Matt. He pointed out the problem on the bus, then helped me find the fix on my laptop, which was very kind. I would not hesitate to recommend Matt to anyone who seeks great advice. He is a true friend to the world of tech-related writing.
I have no doubt that Matt has helped many of us with his insightful blog entries and useful articles over the years. I am glad to know he is still around.
Well, I suppose there’s always the possibility that I just haven’t been paying attention to any of my friends and colleagues for this long. But I have been doing some writing that has been very informative, and I would not have been able to finish this article without Matt.
The article is a pretty good example of how Matt’s writing style can make you forget everything else, and instead just focus on exactly what he’s saying. It’s also a good example of how, like a lot of writers, he is prone to being a little nitpicky.
The article itself has an informative introduction. He explains that the reason he was able to complete this article in a week was because, in his humble opinion, these are the reasons why so many people fail at writing. The reason he chose to focus on grub error failure reading sector 0x0 from fd0 rather than an actual grub problem was because it was the one that he was working on at the time.
It’s been a long time since the last time you saw grubs. But I have to give credit to grubs expert Michael K. for the fact that he has come up with a way to get around the grub problem. To do this you need to know the difference between two different ways of reading sector 0x0 from fd0. To understand what he’s done, watch the video below.
I know, it sounds like an overly complicated solution, but its really not. I am sure some will not understand how this works, but if you can follow what he is doing you will see it is a simple solution that solves the problem. Grubs are a problem because they are reading sector 0x0 from a non-grub compatible address. So they are reading sectors 0x0 from a different physical device.
So if you are going to read sector 0x0 from a non-grub compatible address like a USB device, then you need to go read sector 0x0 from a grub compatible address. The grub addresses are the same, only the read data is different.
The problem is that if a grub is reading sector 0x0 from a non-grub compatible address, then it will read sector 0x0 from a grub. Grubs are still on the same physical device, and so it’s possible to send the same data to them. But it is much more difficult to send data to a grub than to a normal device.
This was one of the more irritating problems that we had while making this game, because we felt it was an inherent part of playing the game. The grub error was really frustrating because it meant that you couldn’t get any of the game’s other features (like the game’s ability to boot from a USB device) working. Of course, there was no option to turn this off. Fortunately, we had a fix that allowed the player to get some of the other game’s features working.