Grêmio’s latest album is no doubt a great addition to the band’s discography. But at the same time it seems to have overshadowed a lot of the great things they’ve become known for.
Grmios newest single “luan precisa melhorar muito ainda” comes with a really strong message about their own growth and the upcoming album “corinthians”. The band has been working on this album for over a year now and it seems to be the product of many different influences, as well as a few minor ones.
It’s interesting how Grmios latest single is one of the most upbeat ones they’ve had, but it also has quite a few downbeat tracks. I think the message is pretty clear in that it’s just about building up a stronger and stronger band, and that’s the way grmios has always been. The difference with luan precisa melhorar muito is that the message is a bit more mature.
Personally i think it has more of a “we can only do so much” feel to it, but its very catchy and catchy. I think it could definitely be the band that grmios needs to be more successful.
While luan precisa melhorar muito ainda, a more recent version of the song will help a friend, she can’t get enough of the album.
We’d like to see more of his music videos, so it makes sense to include him in a new series.
It was only a matter of time. Luan precisa melhorar muito ainda is a song that grmios already has a lot of fans. If grmios were to get a new album, they’d be one of the top bands of all time. This isn’t to say that a new record would be perfect. It could be a total disaster. If grmios were to be successful, it’s hard to imagine how they would live up to their potential.
Although this isnt the first time weve heard this, its hard to imagine grmios doing anything other than being a band that are just excellent at what they do. They have an incredible live show, they are one of the best metal bands on the scene, but theyre music isnt perfect. Theyve never released a perfect album.
I think they would do a bit better if they had spent a little more time writing their old songs and just kept writing them. Theyve always had potential, but like with any band its easy to get carried away with how they can be amazing in the moment. Thats just their stage show though. No band does this better then grmios.