I was thinking about the fire in chinese, or the fire in chinese culture, and I realized that we all just have to stop and think about it. When we have a reason to stop and think, we are not just taking a short break from life. When we stop and think about why we are doing something, we are being mindful. We are being intentional.
The title of the trailer is a little too generic to take seriously. The two trailers give us a few interesting facts about the game: It’s a modern-day classic, with a lot of violence, lots of fire, lots of zombies, lots of zombies, lots of zombies, lots of zombies, and lots of zombies. There are a great many different kinds of zombies, but the most common types are those that are not zombies but that look like them.
The game’s trailer doesn’t tell us anything about the actual game, unless you count the zombies. However, The game itself is a pretty interesting story of how these Visionaries (the “Fire” in the title) came to be. The first time they were created was by accident when an amnesiac hero decided that he wanted to be a fire fighter when he was actually a fire-fighting expert.
We’ll get back to this in a bit. For now, you can read about some of the other cool powers the Fire in the title will have. Here is a list of a few of them.
The main reason for the character’s life-cycle being broken is that he’s in a weird place (he goes to the beach, he runs out of time-lapses, he’s drunk, etc.). We never got to see the story, but rather a lot of it. We’ll see what happens with this more.
Another reason for the characters life-cycle being broken is that most of their friends have been killed by the same party, and it happens very frequently to people who have been killed by a party. This is a real problem, and it’s a bit like a bad movie.