Using cgcontextsetblendmode, you can tell that the context 0x0 is invalid. The context 0x0 has only 2 bytes in it. This means that the context 0x0 is the context 0x0 is invalid, so cgcontextsetblendmode(context 0x0) has no effect on the context 0x0.
The context 0x0 is invalid in this context.
It’s the same as if you’d run the command: cgcontextsetblendmode 0x0. This command is valid in this context, so the context 0x0 is valid.
cgcontextsetblendmode is an undocumented command.
cgcontextsetblendmode is not documented.
cgcontextsetblendmode and cgcontextgetblendmode are undocumented commands. cgcontextsetblendmode and cgcontextgetblendmode are not documented.
The problem is that cgcontextsetblendmode and cgcontextgetblendmode are not documented CGAngues, not to mention the lack of any references to cgcontextsetblendmode and cgcontextgetblendmode. You can probably guess it from the name and the function of this command, but it is not documented.
This is even more problematic because the CGAnguess is in the name of the command and is not documented.
To be honest, I’ve never really understood why the CGAnguess is in the name of the command. I guess it’s just a throwaway for me. It has a cool name that evokes the feeling of writing CGAnguess, but it’s not documented. If it was, I’d have known what it was.