This is a problem I’m having with thread main thread at address 0x0. This is because I have changed the path I’ve followed to the other thread, since I’ve stopped, or at least I’ve just started, writing my own thread. I’m having problems with it, and it might be a bug, but I know it may not be.
As you can see, you can’t actually do anything in the thread when you’re not using main thread. But you can try to do it in your own thread.
One thing you dont want to happen is to go away from your current thread to another thread. In other words, you dont want to be in a thread where you are writing your own thread. But I don’t know what the actual problem is, and I cant seem to figure it out.
Well I think it has something to do with your program not recognizing the current thread name. If you are writing in a new thread, the program automatically changes the current thread name to the new name and starts the new thread. In our case, the problem comes after the thread name is changed and the code gets interrupted.
The other reason why I can’t figure out is because the thread name is not correct. The thread name is correct but the program can not recognize the new thread name, it will crash.
The problem with this is that it crashes when you try to run it. When you run it, it automatically starts the new thread. So the program is trying to run a new thread and it stops.
The fix is to rename the thread name, and then you have to go back to the main thread at the address 0x0 and change to the new thread.
It’s better to run programs in our own environment, so if you think the threading issue is fixed, you’ll have to wait for it to catch up with you or you can wait for a future patch. But if you want to get your thread problems fixed you’ll have to live with them. Also, don’t forget that just because you have to wait, it doesn’t mean you have to wait forever.
My personal advice is to wait for a future patch, and then make a new thread at the address 0x0. (It’s possible that if you’ve been waiting for a long time, your next patch might fix your threading issue.) But I also recommend that you use the command “bus error” to report the problem to the developers.
It will also help if you can get all the issues fixed in the same thread. If you need a new thread for something then you dont need to wait for the developers to fix it. And thats what we are here for. We want the developers to fix your threading issues.