So many of us are just really excited for a new summer event or a new winter! We are so far behind in the weather forecasts, and it can be a real challenge to make sure we are thinking of our summer activities in the right order.
This is why we started the “weather” group on Google+. Our goal is to post “weather” updates to the group so we can share them with our friends. We’re also working with the Google Weather team to post an update on our official Google+ page as well.
So many of us are so excited for the arrival of summer and the arrival of school and the start of the year, but don’t realize how busy we’re going to be, and how important it is to be prepared. So today in the afternoon, I was browsing through the weather data from Google and was reminded of a couple of things. First, we all need to stop and check our forecasts.
It always seems like Google’s weather forecasts are the same day after day after day. There’s even one for the weather that has been out since the beginning of the year.
This is all well and good, but most of the time we have to pick people up from school or school trips and put them into school. We also have to make some extra adjustments. As a result of the weather changes, we have to keep track of our school work so that we know what’s going on at each school and school location and when it’s going to be.
No, school is not going to be cancelled. We got a letter this week that said the school had a few days off for a couple of weeks. However, the weather has been so terrible, the teachers have had to call it a day.
We also have to plan on getting a bus to go to school. One of the nice things about going to school is that its always something new. With school, we want to plan for a busy schedule that we can always meet or exceed. The problem is that the bus schedule is so chaotic that we have a lot of trouble making good decisions. We always try to get the most out of our last few days in school and make sure that we get to work on time.
What is even worse is that we are going to have to live with the weather. We have a saying that whenever a storm comes, you go for the rain. Well, now we have to go for the rain. Now the weather has been so bad that we are having to go to school in the rain. Even with only one working bathroom, we are running out of things to do and are starting to feel a little lost.
I can tell y’all that it’s been raining. And yes, it’s just drizzling down out my window right now. I don’t know what I’m going to do about it. I hate it.
Well, the rain’s just fine. It’s just that we’re still trying to figure out how to get to the library. And we’re starting to smell like death.