It might be a good idea to check the return value of the trace to see if it was terminated in a way that is recognizable. If the output string is empty, that means that the trace didn’t terminate successfully.
In the case that the trace was terminated, the program may also be running out of stack space because the stack (array of all the functions) was overflowed and the next function in the stack was called.
The program returned is 0x1.0.
The program may have a problem, but if you try and run it again, you may get a message that the trace was not started or at least stopped when the trace was not terminated. As we noted earlier, our entire system was not being properly shut down for this reason.
The program has been terminated, but the trace is still running.
c# is a very high-level language, and it’s used for so many very complex things in our systems, that it’s hard to understand what’s going on. The error message is helpful though, and here’s the actual source code for the program, which is a very short and very straightforward function.
Its very rare for a program to exit with an error code of 0x0, but its still an error, so we should have a look at the source code. The function is called trace(), and it is defined in the ctypes library. This is a very basic function in C, but one that gets called a lot in our systems. It is used to get various information about the operating system and its processes, and the actual trace is written in assembly code.
To make our code more readable, we’re going to need to change the trace statement to have trace.
The trace function is what causes our “c# program trace” to exit with a status code of 0x0. It returns a status code of 0x0 if the trace function is successful, and 0x1 if it failed. The error code 0x0 means the trace function failed (if it’s running at all), and the 0x1 means it was successful (if it was running).