The Mayans are the latest scapegoat for our economic troubles. It’s not their fault, but they might as well take some of the blame. They’re everywhere, after all: in movies and TV shows, on billboards and even on our currency!
In fact, it seems that just about everyone is using a Mayan name these days- including you! Whether you’ve chosen Maximiliano or Margarita as your child’s middle name or taken up Maya Angelou as your pen name, you too have been swept into this cultural craze. There are now an estimated 3 million people with Mayan names in America alone! But why? Why do so many people want to be called by a Mayan name when there are so many other types of names out there?
We may never know for sure. In the meantime, we can only speculate as to why Mayan culture has become so popular in recent years. Here are eight possible reasons you might have picked a Maya or Maximilian name:
- To show solidarity with Hispanic Americans and their diverse cultures
- As an act against racism – because no race should be discriminated against!
- Because it’s fun to walk into work every day knowing your coworkers will love learning something new about you!
Perhaps people just want something different from the spelling bee winners’ row that is Jennifer, Kevin, Brian and Greg.. Or maybe they’re looking for more meaning behind their child’s moniker.
Maybe some people are just so over the cringeworthy moment when your child’s name is called to go up on stage and spell it. They’re looking for a more exotic first or last name because they want their children to stand out? Why not pick something that shows off where you come from, like one of these names: Ixchel, Ualacamayahualiuhqui, Mahucutah.. ‘Nuf said. Because there’s nothing better than having an extended family with such an extensive history! One person could have dozens of relatives with different backgrounds all around the world – imagine how much fun Thanksgiving dinner can be when everyone has a unique story behind Begin with a sentence that introduces the topic and your blog post. This is not an introductory paragraph, but it should set up what you are talking about in broad strokes. End this sentence by telling readers why they want to read on. Every Mayan name contains meaning and power derived from its roots –
A previous article in The Economist discussed how some people have given their children Maya names as a way of looking towards the past for wisdom during these tough economic times..
Every Mayan name contains meaning and power derived from its roots — A previous article in The Economist discussed how some people have given their children Maya names as a way of looking towards the past for wisdom during these tough economic times The Maya were the most advanced civilization in North America, with a written language and math system that we’re only beginning to comprehend They had an understanding of astronomy that is rivaled by few cultures around the world, which helped them create their calendar which predicted not just earthly events but also celestial ones..
The Maya were the most advanced civilization in North America, with a written language and math system that we’re only beginning to comprehend — They had an understanding of astronomy that is rivaled by few cultures around the world, which helped them create their calendar which predicted not just earthly events but also celestial ones. One reason why it makes sense for people who have Mayan names to blame the recession on them is that in 2007, a team of researchers unveiled findings about how their calendar worked. Another theory for why they are credited with predicting an economic downturn is that 2008 was supposed to be the Year of One Rabbit, which would have been followed by three years each representing one Earth element (Water, Air and Fire). Each year has a name based on what happens during it – so if there’s a drought or hurricane season then its “chicchan” while if there’s plenty of rain and sun then it becomes “mah.” Everyone knew something bad was coming because this time around the cycle had skipped over earth. In 2012 we saw both Hurricane Sandy as well
The recession has been around for over four years now, and while there are a lot of reasons for its longevity, one thing that many people do not know is the effect it had on names.
Mortgage Crisis in 2008: The financial crisis which began with the US subprime mortgage market led to an unprecedented decline in global stock markets as well as housing prices. In addition to stocks dropping by 50% from 2007-2009, houses lost half their value during this same time period. Recession Spending Habits: From 2006-2008 average U.S household spending dropped dramatically because of the economic uncertainty going on at the time—the so called “flight” response where people hunker down and spend less money instead of investing or buying things.
Income Down: The average American family’s income dropped by about $400 from 2007-2009, which is a lot of money considering the median annual household has an income around what? Roughly 4100 dollars so that is significant reduction in spending power as well. Recession Baby Boom: A study done by Bloomberg News found that more than 500,00 babies were born during 2009 and 2010 because their parents thought they would be better off if they waited until after the recession to have kids—meaning there are now less children on the market for baby products like clothes or strollers. And then once those kids grow up some of them will name themselves “Maya” too! But no one wants to buy Maya dresses either so you get the picture.
This post is about how people use Mayan names that might affect their ability to find a job, and it’s also about baby boomers who are having children after deciding they wanted to wait until after the recession for a baby. Also this article goes into detail explaining what some of these reasons are like less demand in markets because of fewer potential purchasers, as well as parents naming themselves Maya which will cause problems within future generations looking for work-related information online when using search engines such as Google or Yahoo!
No one wants to buy “Maya” clothes either so you get the idea behind this blog post too. Â It’s really just meant to be lighthearted but still informative with all the data and research that’s been done. Mayan Names: reasons they might not be able to find a job – less demand in markets because of fewer potential purchasers, Â as well as parents naming themselves Maya which will cause problems within future generations looking for work-related information online when using search engines such as Google or Yahoo! – Mayans have three digit names instead of just two digits so this can create confusion when it comes to reading and writing dates on calendars too. Â This is especially true if you’re living in the United States where we use MM/DD/YY date format since Mexico uses DD/MM/YY format with twenty days before each month instead of twelve like us Americans do. There are also