We all know that job hunting can be exhausting and frustrating. One of the biggest hurdles to overcome is how to write an effective cover letter or resume.
There are so many articles out there with advice on what should and shouldn’t be in your cover letter, but not a lot about how to make sure you don’t miss any crucial elements when writing it!
In this blog post, we will explore six counterintuitive tips for crushing your junior software developer jobs goals. Counterintuitive Tip #: Make sure you have the right keywords in your cover letter and resume.
Remember, everything boils down to numbers- if any of the hiring managers search for those words on Google or LinkedIn before reading over your application, then they will come across yours first!
Tip #: Don’t be too humble when writing about yourself. It is better to sound too confident than not confident enough! The way you present yourself can make a huge difference in whether someone will read more into what you wrote or just skip by it. People who are looking for junior developers want people with ambition and drive- so don’t be afraid to show them that side of yourself. Counterintuitive Tip #: Be mindful of how