It’s not every day that you find out about some of the weird and wonderful details of a company.
We’ve compiled 11 bizarre Proclaim Software facts for you to enjoy! 1) The first ever computer was called “ENIAC” – pronounced as “eniac.” It stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer. 2) ENIAC weighed 27 tons, measured 8×8 feet, and took up 1800 square feet when it was built in 1946. 3) The word “computer” didn’t come into popular usage until the 1950s, but people have been using mechanical calculators since at least 1700 AD.
The first ever computer was called “ENIAC” – pronounced as “eniac.” It stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer. ENIAC weighed 27 tons, measured 15×15 feet, and took up 1800 square feet when it was built in 1946.
In the 1950s people started using the word ‘computer’ to refer to machines that are capable of performing calculations but not much else (they were basically just calculators).
But mechanical calculators have been around since at least 1700 AD! Mechanical calculators used gears instead of electronics so they were slower than electronic ones. The most famous one is called an abacus which means ‘calculating table’. You may remember seeing a picture or two